The DAC helps plant the seeds for success by fostering growth for people with disabilities through creative solutions and customized support. We are dedicated to providing exceptional supports to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve success.

What are we up to?
Clients have been busy between keeping up on worm work and our line of wood products,
adding new items, and more!
Every day DACWORKS clients are busy working on projects in both the front craft space and in the back workshop where the woodworking and worm work take place.
The front work area focuses more on bird treats, fire starters, rug work, and ice dye products.
The back workshop stays busy creating bird houses and feeders, outdoor décor, trellises, picnic tables, and more.
We also have a chicken coop, and everyone shares responsibilities to take care of them and collect their eggs!
Want to know how to purchase the amazing things
the clients create?
Check out:

Choose from one of 3 beautiful, generously over-sized designs, as well as your preferred finish.
We offer cedar, green treated, Weatherall painted pine (5 color options!) or torched pine.
Orders can be placed by calling Jason at 218-928-8136.
We also have collapsible trellises and obelisk styles available!
Lonnie & John hard at work, crafting our chevron design.
(The process of using worms to decompose organic food waste, turning the waste into a nutrient-rich material capable of supplying necessary nutrients to help sustain plant growth.)
Raised with love and delicately planned harvesting, our African night crawlers and our Red Wigglers thrive
in our workshop...
Not only do we collect the worm castings to sell to gardeners, we also provide the composting worms with our gardening gift package, ensuring success with our worm towers!
Justin & Steven getting their hands dirty, diggin' worms!

Worm Towers
Our durable, beautifully designed worm towers are an incredible addition to any garden.​
The top of the tower is a screened lid that is lifted, and you drop your compost right inside. The bottom portion (with holes) goes underground, for the included worms can come and go for feasts.
Our Worm Tower packages include your own container of Wigglers, shredded paper, and nutritious feed to pamper the worms! You will be amazed at the benefits they will yield within your garden.

Bird Houses + Feeders
Uniquely DAC (located at DAC-Mart) showcases a multitude of different bird houses and feeders for sale - including:​
mourning dove
pileated woodpecker
and more
as well as nesting cages !
Lonnie proudly displaying his craftsmanship skills in creating this small owl house​

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